The Book

biography begins as Armstrong is flying with the Pacific Fleet during the
Korean War and continues through his time as a research test pilot and
astronaut. Many readers will be familiar with Armstrong’s time in NASA. Yet,
Barbree writes in a way that the information is new and exciting. The history
of NASA is intertwined with Armstrong’s contribution and new details are
revealed. The best chapters of the book are those that focus on the
preparation, take-off, mission, and return of Apollo 11. The reader actually
feels like she is experiencing the moon landing with Armstrong. The reader also
comes to appreciate all that went into the NASA space program: the research, training
and science. Some of the facts are mind-blowing. The book closes with
Armstrong’s strong disappointment with the end of the space shuttle program and
downsize of NASA.
Neil Armstrong: A Life of Flight is
a well-written and easily accessible book. Barbree writes in an engaging way
and makes sure to explain concepts unfamiliar to most readers. The book could
easily fall into a scientific biography, but Barbree keeps it simple. The
interviews add a personal touch that helps the reader understand who Armstrong
was. Even though he was the first man on the moon, Armstrong was humble and the
reader walks away admiring that trait.
The Place

The museum
is not large and is mostly on one floor. As you walk through the museum, you
see Armstrong’s life and the Space Race unfold through each exhibit. Artifacts
include the Gemini 8 capsule Armstrong flew in space and his Apollo spacesuit.
Visitors of all ages will enjoy the simulators and interactive exhibits. There
is an entry fee, but it is worth the chance to walk through history.