The Book

The Colonel delves into more than just the
biography of one man. It provides biographies of his ancestors and relatives,
co-workers, wives, employees, and newspaper. Smith lays out the facts, with
some editorializing, and provides a neutral biography of a controversial man.
McCormick was loyal (sometimes to a fault) to America ,
Chicago , the Chicago Tribune, and his political
beliefs; but not to his family. He did what he thought was best and attempted
to sway popular belief. In a sense, McCormick was the Chicago Tribune.
The story
of Robert R. McCormick is complicated and detailed, which calls for a longer
book. Smith’s biography covers a lot of ground, which can be too much for some
readers. The book is well written and well researched, but I would only
recommend it to those highly interested in the subject manner.
The Place

Today, Cantigny
provides numerous experiences for the people of Illinois . The estate includes a golf course,
gardens, the Big Red One Museum , and Robert R. McCormick’s home.
The Robert R. McCormick Museum allows
visitors an opportunity to learn more about McCormick through a tour of his
home. A tour is a great compliment to The
Colonel because it helps readers and visitors visualize McCormick and see
his ideas come to life. The tour guide introduces visitors to the people who
lived in the house as well as the design and items that were placed there.
Guided tours are
available year round (the Museum is closed on Mondays) and visitors must obtain
a ticket for a tour time. There is a $5 per car entry fee into Cantigny .