Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The People of Illinois’s House

“The building captures the architectural beauty of the late 19th century while, at the same time, holding on to its abundant political and social history” (7).

The Book

The Illinois Statehouse by James R. Donelan and Steven W. Dyer introduces the reader to the history and construction of Illinois’s sixth capitol building. A part of the Images of America series, the focus is on images (instead of mainly text with a few images). 

In 1836, “The Long Nine” (a group of nine Illinois state representatives and senators from the Springfield area and all over six feet tall, including Abraham Lincoln), worked together to move the state capitol from Vandalia to Springfield. By 1867, the state legislature had outgrown the state capitol building. Construction began on the current state capitol in 1868 and took 20 years to be completed. Since then, the building has seen many changes and gone through extensive restorations to be historically accurate. 

Donelan and Dyer begin their book with images of the construction, making the reader appreciate the painstaking work that went into creating this 405-foot-tall opulent building. The following chapters focus on each of the four floors, the dome, and the grounds. The authors point out interesting architecture features, highlight the different uses of various spaces, explain the significance of the artwork, and share fun facts about state officials. One room, 309, served as the original state natural history museum, library, reception area, Secretary of State’s office, a lounge, and is now Senate offices. 

This book was a quick read and it complemented what I remembered from my tour of the Illinois State Capitol. Photos didn’t just focus on the building, but also showed people at work or enjoying commemorative events during different time periods. The photos did have lengthy captions, to help provide the reader context. Personally, I would have liked a bit more to read; but it is part of a series focused on images.

The Place

The first several times I visited the Illinois State Capitol were work related, for three years I was the District Director for an Illinois State Representative. I had the opportunity to attend inauguration, participate in training, and observe a couple of days when the House of Representatives was in session. Those were incredible experiences, but it wasn’t until after I had left that position that I was able to take a tour of the building, which I highly recommend for both Illinois residents and visitors. Each time I visited the Illinois State Capitol, I easily became awestruck by the architectural details and feats. I found my gaze drawn upwards to the features in the dome or I would pause every few steps to investigate something unique.

Tours are available Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm, and Saturday-Sunday, 9am-3pm. After going through a bag search and metal detector (this is a functioning government building), visitors can head to the Tours/Information Office on the first floor. The building will be more crowded on weekdays and in the afternoon, especially if the House and Senate are in session. The tour takes visitors through the House and Senate Galleries and each of the main floors. Along the way, you learn about the history, significant people, and architecture and artwork. If you have time after your tour, make sure to explore on your own; it is worth the time.

Individuals who have been vaccinated are not required to wear masks and social distancing is recommended for all visitors.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

America’s First Professional Baseball Team

“Everywhere you turn in Great American Ballpark you run into something that hearkens back to the rich history and tradition of the Queen City and the Cincinnati Reds” (20).

The Book

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Heart-Pounding, Jaw-Dropping, and Gut-Wrenching Moments from Cincinnati Reds History by Mike Shannon takes readers on a topical journey through the history of the first professional baseball team. It could be tempting to only focus on the successful teams and gloss over the poor choices or embarrassing moments. But Shannon doesn’t do that. He writes like a fan would talk: punctuating the ups and downs with commentary and tidbits. 

The Reds (originally the Cincinnati Red Stockings) are considered the first professional baseball team because they were the first to pay all of the players and expect them to take the job seriously. Throughout their history, they’ve played in eight different home ballparks, and have won five World Series. In just one decade (1970s), the Reds won six division championships, four National League pennants, and two World Series. They’ve had their share of highly talented players and players that made poor decisions, just like any other ball club. 

When you’ve been around since 1869, there are plenty of ups and downs to highlight. Shannon does a good job of using examples from through Reds history and spotlighting a wide variety of players. The main narrative is supplemented with text boxes that provide additional facts and photos. These supplements help prevent the main text from reading like a list. The final section, on Reds culture, was difficult to finish. It felt out of place and either could have been an appendix or reorganized to focus on the fans themselves. That being said, any fan of baseball and the Reds would find this book interesting.

The Place

The Reds Hall of Fame & Museum is located at the Great American Ballpark (the home stadium of the Cincinnati Reds). The museum is a must for Reds fans, but also very interesting for baseball fans and those with a passing interest. I took my mom, who became a Reds fan in middle school, for her birthday. It was great experiencing the museum through her eyes and watching her relive her memories. I also enjoyed learning about the history of baseball and the many accomplishments of the Reds. Visitors are treated to exhibits about the Reds ballparks, the very first team, the evolution of baseball equipment, a timeline with artifacts, and the Reds Hall of Fame. The last room of the museum houses the five World Series trophies and runs footage from the games. It was clear that the Reds Hall of Fame & Museum was designed by fans who love the team. 

The museum hours of operation vary, depending on the time of year and if there is a game that day, so make sure to check the website before planning a visit. There is a price of admission and tickets can be purchased ahead of time. You don’t have to have a ticket for a baseball game to tour the museum; and if you want an even more in-depth experience, tours of the ballpark and clubhouse are available.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

V-J Day

"At 7:30am, the Japanese boarded the destroyer, which headed out into the enormous bay for the sixteen-mile run to the Missouri. On every side they could see the truly awesome might of the American Navy, which had converged from all parts of the Pacific and now crowded Tokyo Bay” (258).

The Book

What would have happened if the United States hadn’t dropped the atomic bomb? What if the Japanese military had succeeded in overthrowing the government and resisting surrender? We will never know the answers to these questions, but The Fall of Japan by William Craig does explore the final year of the war in the Pacific (fall 1944-fall 1945). In a sense, it can help the reader understand what could have happened.

In fall 1944, as the US began to take back the Pacific, the Imperial Army and Navy grew desperate in military strategy, a forewarning to what an invasion of Japan could bring. New Japanese leadership opened up back-channel diplomacy in secret, wary of the fanatical and extremist members of the military. At the same time, the US developed the atomic bomb and bomber crews began secret training. 

On July 26, 1945, the Potsdam Declaration requested immediate surrender from the Japanese or a promise of complete destruction. As the Japanese leaders deliberated, two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan and the leaders faced a new incentive to surrender. The Emperor broke the stalemate and directed leaders to accept the surrender terms. This decision ignited a coup among military leaders. While it didn’t last long, soldiers did take control of the palace and attacked several government members. The fanatical individuals still harbored ideas of a coup well into the discussions regarding US occupation of Japan. The US occupying force arrived in Japan on August 28 and the surrender documents were signed on September 2. The Fall of Japan closes with the crew of Bock’s Car (the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Nagasaki) walking through Nagasaki and observing the damage to people and places. 

There is so much packed into this book and it is difficult to summarize all the threads. Brief side stories provide helpful context and an understanding for how history unfolded after the end of World War II. Craig pivots the narrative between Japanese and US perspectives, allowing the reader to feel like they are experiencing the moments: the mission to drop the atomic bombs, the aftermath of bomb in Nagasaki, the attempted coups by the Japanese military, the discussion of occupation, and the surrender on the USS Missouri. These pivots are interspersed with brief biographies of key players and a better sense of Japanese military culture. Quite a bit of time is dedicated to unpacking the struggle between those who wanted to surrender and those who didn’t. While I am not sure how accurate the dialogue is, it does help place the reader in the moment. Overall, the book is easy to read and includes many details and descriptions that were new to me.

The Place

When most people visit Hawaii, Pearl Harbor is at the top of their list. What most people (including myself) don’t realize is that, in the same harbor, rests a memorial to the start of America’s involvement in World War II and the ship that witnessed the end of World War II. The Battleship Missouri saw action in the Pacific Theater and witnessed the signing of the Japanese surrender documents. After World War II, the USS Missouri was used during the Korean War and Gulf War before becoming a history museum in Hawaii. 

When I visited, my family spent the morning touring the USS Arizona Memorial and exhibits dedicated to the attack on Pearl Harbor. In the afternoon, we drove over to Ford Island to tour the USS Missouri. This was a great way to experience the significance of these two attractions. We took the general tour that focused on the role of the USS Missouri in World War II. The tours conclusion is at the exact spot where the Japanese officially surrendered to the Allied forces. The location isn’t lost on visitors and one is reminded of the sacrifice made by thousands of men to get to that point. Following the tour, we took our time wandering throughout the decks, seeing what life was like on the “Mighty Mo” and learning more from permanent and temporary exhibits.

Due to COVID, hours are reduced and face coverings are required indoors/recommended outdoors. Tickets can be purchased online and the general tour is included. If a trip to Hawaii isn’t in your near future, virtual tours are available.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

America’s First Seaside Resort

“Few seaside towns possess such a resource – hundreds of quaint, handcrafted cottages situated on tree-lined streets with the Atlantic providing the backdrop” (174).

The Book

While there are many ocean towns up and down the East Coast, only Cape May, New Jersey can claim to be the original tourist destination. Before the American Revolution, the Philadelphia merchant class was escaping the city summer heat for sea-bathing in Cape May. Historic Cape May: The Summer City by the Sea, by Emil R. Salvini, takes the reader on a tour through the ups and downs of this historic resort. 

Cape Island (the name changed to Cape May in 1869) quickly became a successful resort because it was easily accessible from the north and the south. Both the steamboat and rail lines increased the number of people who could visit for a day or longer. The first boardwalk in New Jersey was completed in 1863 and, in 1864, cottages joined a handful of hotels for visitors. Cape May weathered major fires, hurricanes, clashes between yearlong residents and tourists, and failed development schemes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the mid-20th century, Cape May faced the erosion of beaches, rumrunners during Prohibition, and the proximity of U-boats during World War II. Through it all, the resort did its best to attract tourists.

The completion of the Garden State Parkway in 1958 finally provided a reliable road for visitors and commuters in and out of Cape May. As a result, interest grew in restoring the historic cottages and hotels and extending the summer season. Today, the town is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, boasting a more intimate character and charm than many of the other seaside resorts. The reader benefits from Salvini’s admiration for Cape May. The book is well-researched and the chapters are supplemented with drawings, maps, and photos, many from the author’s personal collection. Buildings that are described in the past are noted as present day bed-and-breakfasts, for the modern visitor. The chapters vary in length and act as vignettes placed in a chronological timeline. Quite a bit of time is spent describing the different eras of hotels and cottages. While not everyone will appreciate these details, they are a big part of the draw of Cape May.

The Place

Cape May can serve as a day trip destination, weekend getaway, or longer vacation. There is a lot to see and do, whether you want to lounge on the beach, shop and eat local, stroll the promenade, or take part in numerous indoor and outdoor activities.

My visit was just for a day. We walked along the Washington Street Mall, three blocks of street converted into a pedestrian outdoor mall. There are a variety of shops that cater to the out-of-town tourist and seasoned New Jerseyan. Lunch was a delicious crab cake sandwich at the Oceanview Diner and Family Restaurant, with views of the ocean from our table. Our trip ended with a visit to the Cape May Lighthouse, located in Cape May Point State Park. While you are at the State Park, you can also watch the migratory birds and see the World War II bunker. Someday, I would like to go back to stay in one of the many historic bed and breakfasts or hotels and explore more of what Cape May has to offer.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Bearing Witness

Author’s Note: There are no photos to accompany this blog post. While photographs, without flash, are permitted at the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum; I chose not to take photos when I visited.

“The location of the museum asked visitors to ‘pay attention’ to a crucial memory, and the attributes of the building informed visitors that they must, in order to pay attention, leave Washington” (89).

The Book

Any book that tells a piece of the Holocaust narrative is a weighty book to read. You come face to face with how depraved humanity can be and the senseless murder of millions of people, simply because of their ethnicity. Preserving Memory: The Struggle to Create America’s Holocaust Museum by Edward T. Linenthal is no different. However, the overall purpose of the book is different: a chronicle of the 15-year struggle to determine how best to remember the Holocaust in the United States. 

Linenthal begins the book with the 1993 dedication of the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum and traces how the Holocaust was ignored, forgotten, or downplayed until the 1960s. Numerous events, both in America and abroad, resulted in President Carter creating the President’s Commission on the Holocaust in 1978. From this point, Linenthal launches into an in-depth narrative: the early days of the commission and struggle with how to memorialize, the location and building, the permanent exhibit, and the role of the museum in memory. 

Section one details the beginnings of an idea to remember and commemorate, something that the average person isn’t often privy too. The commission, originally chaired by Elie Wiesel, faced the challenges of how to remember the Holocaust and who to remember (only Jews or other victims of the Nazis). Wiesel, and many other commission members, argued for the focus to be on Jews only and to educate, not only memorialize. Section two walks readers through how the location and architect were chosen. Linenthal helps the reader visualize the museum, pointing out the meaning behind the architectural designs, both inside and outside. Sections three and four break down the thoughtful decisions that went into the design of the permanent exhibit. Staff members struggled over what to include and where to place items in the museum’s narrative. Finally, section five looks at how the memory on display at the United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum impacts us today.

As I read Preserving Memory, my mind was transported back ten years and I vividly remembered walking through the museum, in ways I hadn’t for years. Linenthal places the reader in the museum with his descriptions of architecture, exhibit space, and artifacts. He also allows the reader a glimpse into the decision-making process and the meaning behind seemingly simple decisions (i.e., only glass, steel, and stone were used in construction to indicate permanence, and photos of Jews before the Holocaust enabled them to be remembered as they were, not how Nazis viewed them). The controversies are not glossed over, but given due space. These include the location of the museum, the exclusion of other victims of the Nazis, the use of certain artifacts, and the actual role of the museum. The overall book is grounded in first hand narratives from commission members and other key players in the development of the museum. Their thoughts, arguments, and counterarguments show their struggles with how to best remember an event many of them survived.

The Place

The United States Holocaust Memorial and Museum is located adjacent to the National Mall and Washington Monument in Washington, DC. While it points visitors to a very different historical event than the rest of the iconic spots on the National Mall, it is still just as important. The permanent exhibit begins with an elevator ride, a confined space, that transports visitors to the fourth floor. They join with American soldiers as they encounter the concentration camps and then go back in time to the rise of Nazi power. Artifacts, images, videos, text, and models serve as witnesses to the attempt to destroy an entire group of people. The weight of the exhibit grows heavy as visitors make their way back down to the first floor, ending with videos of survivors sharing testimonies. Finally, the Hall of Remembrance provides an opportunity to reflect and process. 

The museum just reopened after being closed to prevent the spread of COVID. A free timed ticket is required and all visitors two years old and up must wear a face mask. Two exhibits are still closed to the public, as are the library and resource center. The permanent exhibit is recommended for visitors 11 years and up and can take anywhere from one to three hours. There is no parking facility and visitors are strongly encouraged to arrive via the Metro.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

A City Rises from the Prairie

“Naperville was situated at the quintessential spot where villages become metropolitan centers – a crossroad of transportation” (39).

The Book

For most frontier towns, the first settlers sought land, adventure, or a new way of life. A few original settlers rose to lead the community and, in some cases, lay the ground work for a future city. One of those cases is Naperville, Illinois. Naperville: A Brief History by Bryan J. Ogg provides the reader a peak into the people and events that shaped this city. 

Among the first settlers to arrive in the Naperville area was Joseph Naper, a former sailor on the Great Lakes, and by 1832 there were 180 people living in Naper’s Settlement. The DuPage River allowed for the growing settlement to have a sawmill, dam, and gristmill; these supplemented the farming community. In addition to the benefit of the DuPage River, the settlement was also at the crossroads of two major roads. These roads took other settlers south and northwest. As a result, the settlement grow to include breweries, limestone quarries, law offices, and banks, in addition to farms. In 1857, the Illinois General Assembly passed an act to make Naperville a village and it was the first official use of the name. From then, there was a steady growth in population (in 1890 it was 2,216; one hundred years later it was 85,351; in 2019 it is 148,449), land, industry, and community amenities. By the 1950s, Naperville was no long a majority farming community. Subdivisions sprang up to provide housing for the new technology jobs and commuters into Chicago. Today, Naperville is an active city with a vibrant downtown, excellent schools, and spacious parks.

Readers will see the growth of a community that came together for civic needs, celebrations, and tragedies. Schools, a library, and associations were created to serve the public and Naperville’s limestone quarries helped rebuild Chicago after the 1871 fire. The rich heritage of the city was celebrated during the centennial and sesquicentennial when public projects were dedicated and through the creation of Naper Settlement and public art. The residents did their part to support the nation through numerous wars and came together for a deadly train crash in 1946. 

The first comprehensive narrative about Naperville, since 1975, is a quick and interesting read. Street markers help resident readers picture the places mentioned and images and maps provide a look at what Naperville was like in the past. Statements from residents are incorporated throughout; these are either in the moment testimonies or reflections on what happened. Ogg sprinkles state, United States, and world history throughout for context to what was happening in Naperville. It will mostly appeal to past and current residents of Naperville. I found many names familiar, but learned what makes them significant in the history of Naperville. For example, the VFW is named after “Judd” Kendall. During World War I, he was tortured by the Germans for information regarding the First Division and Battle of Cantigny. Kendall refused to reveal anything and was eventually killed.

The Place

Naper Settlement is an outdoor history museum that brings Naperville’s past to life for visitors. Each building either highlights a significant moment in Naperville history or helps us understand what life was like years ago – from a replica of the fort built for the Black Hawk War to a one room school house to the Martin Mitchell Mansion. Caroline Martin Mitchell (granddaughter of a Naperville founder) bequeathed her land and mansion to Naperville and, in 1939, Naper Settlement opened. The historic buildings are open from April through October and closed for the winter. Guided walking tours are available and most buildings are staffed by a docent. Tickets can be purchased online or at Naper Settlement. Due to the coronavirus, face masks and social distancing are required. 

As a former resident of Naperville, I would be remiss not to encourage visitors to spend more time downtown Naperville. The Riverwalk provides a serene walk along the DuPage River, public artwork is sprinkled throughout downtown, and numerous restaurants and shops provide something for everyone. Just beyond the heart of downtown is the Naper Homestead (at the southeast corner of Jefferson Ave. and Mill St.); a park on the site of Joseph Naper’s home. It is a self-guided historic site with a nine-foot statue of Joseph Naper.

Today, residents and visitors to Naperville are greeted with a much different landscape than Joseph Naper and the other early settlers. But, if you look closely, you can still find remnants that hearken back to an early time. These remnants consist of carefully preserved buildings, statues bringing significant people to life, and many community spaces.